Importance of Self-Care

Do you know the importance of self-care or are you too busy giving that you forget about yourself? A friend reminded me that you can’t give from an empty cup. In other words, you have to find the time to fill your cup first in order to give to others. 

I recently learned the importance of self-care. I chose to pour from my empty cup until my body broke down and forced me to take care of myself. An expensive mistake when you take into account the doctor visits, tests, medicine, physical therapy and the extensive and unplanned time off work. 

Self-care can take many forms depending on what you are needing. It can be something decadent like a two-week trip to Bora Bora, or something simple like a five-minute meditation session. What can you do for yourself right now? 

If you are a giver and you are used to putting your needs and wants on the back burner, you might think that self-care is being selfish. Well, it’s not. Just like the flight attendant says, you have to put the oxygen mask on first then assist others. It might even mean that you have to start small. Carve out a few minutes a day for yourself and build from there. 

Baby Steps to Self-Care:

  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 minutes

  • Take a 15-minute uninterrupted shower or bath

  • Meditate for 5 minutes

  • Find a quiet spot to listen to your favorite song

  • Take a few moments to just daydream

  • Say or chant your favorite mantra at least 5 times 

  • Write down at least 5 things you are grateful for 

  • Watch your favorite show without interruption from people or your phone

  • Go outside for a few moments and connect with nature

  • Sip your favorite beverage and really enjoy how it tastes

Taking a Leap into Self-Care:

  • Plan a long relaxing vacation

  • Read a book in 30 days or less

  • Learn a new hobby

  • Take a meditative walk in a labyrinth 

  • Experience an hour-long meditation class

  • Establish a healthy lifestyle 

  • Say at least 3 positive things about yourself to yourself daily 

  • Let go of toxic relationships 

  • Surround yourself with positive people

  • Replace a bad habit with a positive one

Those are some self-care examples that might resonate with you. For some of you, the self-care journey might be easy and for some, it will feel foreign. The important thing is to start putting yourself first, even if you start with small steps. Just be consistent.


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