
I want to make it easy for you to meditate daily by providing FREE, short mindful meditations. Each meditation is guided and made to help you slow down your mind and focus on a certain mantra or topic. You might find that this is easier than trying to clear your mind completely.

Full Body Scan Meditation

This meditation will relax your entire body. It's about 8 minutes long. We will begin with some breath work then slowly scan the body from head to toe.

Breathwork Meditation for Anxiety

This meditation centers around breathwork that will calm your anxiety or panic attack. You can be seated in a comfortable space or event at your desk at work.

Guided Meditation on Love

Six-minute guided meditation to invoke love for yourself and others. This meditation is good for any time the day when you want to show yourself or the world some love.

Uplifting Monday Meditation

Five-minute guided meditation to help get your week started off on a positive note. This meditation is perfect to do early in the morning.

Short Fire Meditation

Very short mid-day meditation to get calm and centered. Focus your eyes on the fire and taking even breaths. Inhale for the count of four and exhale for the count of four.